Letting Go of The Hesitation, The Doubt, and The Worry

Sometimes you find yourself in a place of being desperate and consumed by worry. You may be worried about your finances, a decision about your career, or a relationship that is important in your life. Living a new language for life, you now realize that when you are...

In Expanding Your Capacity to Be with Life, You Teach Yourself the Wholeness of Life

When you trust life, you stop resisting the interruptions in your life. Interruptions may not be comfortable. They may not be what you wanted in that moment. They interrupt the way things are, and thereby your comfort. Living a new language for life, you now start to...

In A New Language for Life, You Inspire Yourself and Others to Greatness

In living the possibility of a new language for life, you have moved away from a language for life where “I” is who you are and gives you a past and a future and the illusion of causality. You now are adopting a language for life where “I” is no longer limiting who...
When Language Is Not Accusatory, What Manifests Is a Presence that Calls People to Act

When Language Is Not Accusatory, What Manifests Is a Presence that Calls People to Act

Have you ever sit through meetings that are boring and the outcome is predictable? How could a meeting with people you work with – your collegues – actually make a difference? The other day, I noticed something remarkable. In my commitment to provide a...

My Life as a Medical Doctor in War Zones

There was a moment, as I lay on the ground with the gun pointing at the base of my skull, when I did not know if I would live or die. The truth was that it did not matter. In that moment I came to a realization. It was a realization that was to change my life and – I...

Taking Responsibility for the Dance of the Relationship

When you find yourself out of step in a relationship and the issues are repetitive and immobilizing, you tend to blame the other person. This usually strengthens the “stuckness” and does not leave you or the other person with a new opening for the relationship. In a...

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