Have you ever sit through meetings that are boring and the outcome is predictable? How could a meeting with people you work with – your collegues – actually make a difference?

The other day, I noticed something remarkable. In my commitment to provide a high quality of safe and comprehensive care to my patients, I came across a few issues regarding patient care at a new clinic that recently opened up in our little town. I decided to organize a meeting with the people involved to address the issues.

I wondered how to have the meeting inside of the possibility of a new language for life. I wondered what that would look like. I chose to have the meeting in such a way that my language was not going to be accusatory.

I first acknowledged the people present in the meeting for their commitments, and then shared that in my experience inside of their commitments, they had crossed a few boundaries in relationship to patient care. I thought that if they would get present to our reality, I would then leave it up to them to decide what to do with it and whether to act on it.

The language of the meeting was not accusatory. The language was not a language of blaming, finger-pointing, or being defensive, and as the meeting progressed and everybody had the opportunity to say what they wanted to say, all participants in the conversation suddenly were left with a presence of something that was both authentic and powerful. Sometime after the meeting, I heard that changes were made in patient care that actually addressed our pertinent concerns.

When language is not accusatory and you have a meeting with people to address your concerns, you notice at some point that the “I” is not present, neither for you nor the other people participating in the conversation. Then the most remarkable thing happens. You notice as the conversation unfolds that suddenly people are left with the presence of something that is much more powerful than asking them do something or stop doing something that they may agree to in the moment without really putting their heart into it. When language is not accusatory and the “I” is absent, a presence manifests that brings people in a place of readiness to act, rather than being in a place of thinking about acting, which usually does not lead to any effective action.

In a new language for life, when language is not accusatory, what manifests is a presence that calls people to act.


Hi, Louis here, author of the inspiring book “A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What!” Click here to get a free download of the book. Thanks for checking out my blog posts. If you really want to test your spiritual beliefs, try being a medical doctor in war zones. I’ve been involved as a spiritual teacher, medical doctor and coach in the self-help industry for over 25 years and have developed a number of skills in helping people to awaken to their true nature and live inspired lives. Here Is Who I am & What I Believe.

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