In living the possibility of a new language for life, you have moved away from a language for life where “I” is who you are and gives you a past and a future and the illusion of causality. You now are adopting a language for life where “I” is no longer limiting who you are and what is possible in your life. You are now free from the restrictions of “I.” You have released yourself from struggle. You have more of a real sense of who you are. You are present to possibility and have expanded your horizon of what is possible.

Being free from the shackles of “I,” you are now open to life. A window is opened to the universe. You feel more related to life. You are becoming attuned to cosmic intent, which is now unfolding in your life.

In developing your capacity to stay centered in a new language for life, no matter what is occurring in your life, you now have the opportunity to inspire yourself and others to greatness.

In a new language for life, you are invited to exceed your own expectations and engage with your destiny. You recognize that what inspires you is not necessarily what you want or what feels comfortable, but it is what gives life to the common good of humanity. What inspires you leaves yourself and others free to be, free to explore, and free to express yourself. You recognize that what inspires you is in the service of life and contributes to the wholeness of life. What inspires you expresses a reverence for life and the privilege to be alive.

Greatness is a gift to ourselves and to humanity.

Greatness calls you to transcend the “I” and shift your perspective from the way people are, to relating to their essence, and you are present to a profound experience of “being related.”

Greatness lives in the silence and invites you to be humble.

Greatness reveals the essence of life and makes you present to the wholeness and enfolding connectedness of life. Your new sense of connectedness and oneness calls you to aspire to greatness, where you realize that inspiring ourselves and others ultimately contributes to the wholeness of life.

You are inspired at times to greatness by a simple gesture of reaching out to another person or by being compassionate towards someone who has come into your life.

In a new language for life, you inspire yourself and others to greatness.


Hi, Louis here, author of the inspiring book “A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What!” Click here to get a free download of the book. Thanks for checking out my blog posts.

If you really want to test your spiritual beliefs, try being a medical doctor in war zones. I served for over ten years as a medical doctor for Doctors Without Borders, The International Committee of The Red Cross, World Vision and other humanitarian organizations in trouble spots around the globe. I realized that my work had dealt with obvious life and death situations. I felt a compelling urge to address matters of life and death that were not so obvious. I realized that finding that authentic core in oneself and accessing it through one’s own language was urgent, it was a matter of life and death. I made a commitment to be a lifelong student of what sets the human spirit free from its self-imposed limitations.

I’ve been involved as a spiritual teacher, medical doctor and coach in the self-help industry for over 20 years and have developed a number of skills in helping people to awaken to their true nature and live inspired lives. My mission is to show you what is possible through awakening. Here Is Who I am & What I Believe.

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