Introduction to Talking Diaries

Dear Reader,

I want to share with you my thought processes. You may find my thought processes more interesting the way it comes out of me, rather than if I were to pound it into a book.

I am putting my diary out raw as it is, because it is very profound as it is. In reading my diary, you may discover how it relates to your own life and it may ignite more knowledge about yourself, which may help you be free from self-concern. This in turn may help you make the right choices in life and have a new sense of ownership of your life.

I see the struggles around me and realize that mine are not different from yours. I may have a different name, a different set of circumstances, but our humanity is shared and what we have in common is real, not our differences.

We are all moved by the same string of being. It is the awareness of your being that has you realize that connection. And when you do, the world stops, and what is left is that which permeates everything and never changes. You are awake. You have awakened to your true nature. You are in a place, where you are that you are.

For those who would be interested in following my thought process and possibly building upon them, I invite you to join my Facebook Group Dr Louis Koster, where you follow the thread of my writing.

Click this link to sign up for the FREE membership site “Awakening” and watch all videos and downloads of the Talking Diaries

Talking Diaries: A Journey of Awakening

Click this link to get a FREE transcript of the Talking Diaries

Broadcast Facebook Live Talking Diaries March 8th

Topic of the Talking Diary on March 8th: “When You Find Yourself in the Middle of it.”

When you find yourself in the middle of it, the problem is that you are not present to your true nature.You have the misleading idea that interacting with your arising thoughts will somehow bring you back in touch with your true nature.

Click this link on March 8th at 5:00PM Eastern Time for the Live Broadcast.

John Kremer is the bestseller author of 1001 Ways To Market Your Book  John interviewed me on December 23rd, 2016. John asked me the question how I came up with the idea of the “Talking Diaries.”

Hi, Louis here, author of the inspiring book “A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What!” Click here to get a free download of the book. Thanks for checking out my blog posts. If you really want to test your spiritual beliefs, try being a medical doctor in war zones. I’ve been involved as a spiritual teacher, medical doctor and coach in the self-help industry for over 20 years and have developed a number of skills in helping people to awaken to their true nature and live inspired lives. Here Is Who I Am & What I Believe.

Find out how you can be happy and free to dream in 21 days. Check out my new program of A New Language For Life: A New Path to Freedom in the Apple Store

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