Sometimes you say silly things when you find yourself in the middle of an upset. You may say something you really don’t mean, but you are “grabbed” by the “I,” and language becomes accusatory. Sometimes in the middle of an argument, you say thoughtless things that affect your loved one. “I” is like a raging storm that passes, and is not who you really are.
When someone says something to you in a language that is accusatory, you feel like a deer caught in the headlights. You feel immobilized. It seems that anything you say or do only aggravates the situation and could be the beginning of an escalating argument. In defending yourself, you become what you are against. You find yourself in the middle of it, and there seems to be no way out.
Language that is accusatory draws you into a conversation, where you are now a certain way, and you are always like that. You are now defined inside the way it is. You are no longer just being in the world, where you are one with life, but you are now in a place where suddenly there is an “I” that is defined inside the way it is. You are no longer free to be.
The way it is that defines who you are, wraps being in an idea of a future and a past, leaving you with a present moment, where presence is lost. Presence lost, now lives in a future of no possibility. You have lost your sense of oneness and wholeness. You feel scattered in your being. You feel immobilized. You somehow forgot that “I” is just an idea of who you are, it is not really who you are, and becoming defensive and saying that you are not the way someone says you are, only reinforces the predicament you find yourself in!
Language that is accusatory divides us from ourselves, from each other and from the possibility of oneness. Soren Kierkegaard, the great Danish philosopher and founder of existential thought once wrote: “Once you label me, you negate me.”
How do you create peace? How do you set yourself free from a sense of entrapment? What brings wholeness to a situation or to a conversation you find yourself in the middle of, and defines who you are?
Bringing The Insight to language that is accusatory, allows you to gain in perspective and restores the integrity of your being. The Insight breaks up the “world of the way it is” and restores you to the possibility of being. Bringing The Insight to language that is accusatory unwraps being from “the way it is” and restores being to presence. It leaves you free to be and allows for oneness to come into presence.
Bringing the Insight to language that is accusatory allows you to look beyond the horizon of what is, and restores you the possibility of oneness and restores the relationship to the possibility of oneness. Oneness coming into presence makes whole again.
Oneness coming into presence, you are present again to love and appreciation in your relationship and you are present to a person’s commitment. Integrity is restored to possibility.
Oneness coming into presence, being is unwrapped from a future, past and present moment and is restored to presence. Oneness coming into presence, you are released from self-invalidating assessment and you are present again to possibility. Oneness coming into presence, you are awakened to the presence of life. You have come to your senses. You are now in a place where you wake up to what you can take responsibility for and you are called to appropriate action.
When you wake up to your senses, you may identify what you can take responsibility for that prompted the other person to language that is accusatory, and engage in a conversation, where you acknowledge your mistake and apologize. Now you are responsive inside of oneness, not reacting to language that is accusatory.
It takes one person to interrupt the dance of “I” inside the way it is. In a willingness to take responsibility for an interaction, language that is accusatory transforms into language that carries the possibility of oneness. Who happens to do this, or takes the first step, does not matter and spirit does not care.
Are you willing to let go, and let oneness? Are you willing to take that first step, not waiting for the other person to turn out, or be first to take the step? Are you willing to be in harmony with life, rather than being stuck in the way it is? Are you willing to be, at the expense of “I”? Are you willing to come into grace as a way of oneness?
When you let go and let oneness, language that is reactive now carries possibility; language that dwells in cause and effect now carries the possibility of oneness; language that is accusatory now carries the possibility of communication.
When you let go and let oneness, there is now the possibility of coming into thought that makes a difference. When you let go, and let oneness, there is now the possibility for something to be said that brings wholeness and oneness to the situation.
Where there is oneness, there is the presence of life. There is no presence, where oneness is lacking.
Language that is accusatory moves you away from oneness. Bringing The Insight to language that is accusatory restores you to the possibility of being and allows for oneness to come into presence and make whole again.
Relationship is restored to the possibility of oneness.
Oneness coming into presence makes whole again.
Hi, Louis here, author of the inspiring book “A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What!” Click here to get a free download of the book. Thanks for checking out my blog posts. If you really want to test your spiritual beliefs, try being a medical doctor in war zones. I’ve been involved as a spiritual teacher, medical doctor and coach in the self-help industry for over 20 years and have developed a number of skills in helping people to awaken to their true nature and live inspired lives. Here Is Who I Am & What I Believe.
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