Sometimes an interruption in your business or in your personal life may be an opportunity to truly arise to the occasion and manifest your intentions in life. You may for instance be experiencing an interruption in sales in your business and are wondering whether you can meet your monthly target and pay your bills. If you are standing in the possibility of oneness, and you trust life, you are then fully accepting the occurring event as it is. In fact, you may express gratitude for it, and hold the event as the next level of expansion to arise to the occasion.

You could ask yourself the question: What opportunities are hidden in this interruption of life? How can I grow from this experience in expanding my capacity to oneness?

The interruption may be an opportunity to truly manifest what your intentions are, whatever the circumstances of your life are. This is where the opportunity lies. The occurring event may be an opportunity to truly arise to the occasion and be one in intention, while honoring and acknowledging the circumstances of your life.

The occurring event may reveal to you, where you are still hooked in the “I,” and you allow yourself to be immobilized by your circumstances. The interruption may be an opportunity to transcend the “I” in manifesting your intentions.

The interruption may be an opportunity to move away from the language of “I,” where you strive to reach your goals, towards the language of being, where you are one in intention and you manifest your intentions.

The world is, as you are. Just think about it for a moment. If you are the “I” that separates you from life by criticizing what is, evaluating the world, is attached to permanency and continuity, then that is what gives you your experience of life, and the sense that something is not possible. If however, who you are is the space of being fulfilled, i.e. the fulfillment of your intentions, then that is what becomes real for you and the world manifests as you are. If you dare to make this shift; if you dare to muster the courage to interrupt the dance of “I,” by not tuning into the noise of “I,” and step into the language of being, you then come into a dance of “being in the world,” where there is the fulfillment of your intentions already, and life manifests as you are.

Interrupting the dance of “I” opens up a passage to being, where you come into oneness with life, and brings you into a space, where you are already the fulfillment of your intentions.

You are now creating a new dance with life, where as you are, manifests the world; a new dance with life, where who you are manifests the fulfillment of your intentions; a new dance with life, where what you choose to observe makes manifest. The universe afterwards will never be the same.

Being one in intention, there now is no doubt, but a knowing that the fulfillment of your intentions is already there. In oneness, you are moving away from striving to reach a goal, towards being the fulfillment of your intentions. Living in a state of oneness, you are now already the fulfillment of your intentions. Realizing that you are not your circumstances, you are now coming to a place of knowing that your intentions already are fulfilled.

Realizing that you are not the “I” that ongoingly criticizes and comments on your circumstances; brings about worry and doubt; tells you that you are doomed in a future that is approximating you in the present moment, and tells you that something is not possible, you now resurrect yourself and arise to the occasion and leave the siren song of the “I” behind you.

You now step beyond the horizon of “I,” and step into a place, where you are already the fulfillment of your intentions. In this place there is peace and a knowing that the fulfillment of your intentions already is. In the eternal now, being one in the world is being one with the fulfillment of your intentions. In the eternal now, already being the fulfillment of your intentions, you are the presence of the fulfillment of your intentions. You now say: “Who I am, is the fulfillment of my intentions. “ Who I am, is the presence of …….”

Being in the world with a new deliberateness, you are now manifesting your intentions. Manifesting by intention happens when you are the presence of the fulfillment of your intentions. Manifesting your intentions is bringing into presence the world as you are.

This is not just semantics.

Striving to reach a goal expresses a state of separateness. Being the fulfillment of your intentions, expresses a state of oneness which occurs in the language of being. You are moving from a state of separateness to a state of oneness in relationship to what you intend to manifest.

Manifesting is only possible from a state of oneness. Manifesting is only possible when you are one with your intention, and the “I” has no part in the world as you are. “I” can point direction to what is necessary or appropriate to be fulfilled in a particular situation, but is insufficient to bring manifestation to your intentions.

Whether it is a business that you are managing; outcomes in an organization; a target that you have set yourself inside of a project, or an intention in a relationship, rather than having the way to reach your goal be a path of struggle and effort, you now manifest your intentions from a state of oneness, i.e. by already being the presence of the fulfillment of your intentions.

If you look back at your life, you may remember moments that you accomplished something that almost seemed impossible at that time, but you were energized by life, and there was no doubt in your mind that you could do it. What brought you in this state of oneness with your intention, and there was an absence of doubt? These were moments that it really never occurred to you that what you intended to accomplish, would not come into reality. There was a knowing that it would. These were moments that you already were the presence of the fulfillment of your intentions, and you allowed for life to unfold and come into manifestation inside the presence of knowing.

When you focus on the presence of the fulfillment of your intentions, and you make this real for yourself, you then have a stronger energy around success, rather than failure. You stop surviving inside of your circumstances. You no longer allow yourself to be immobilized by the “what ifs” in your life. You just are what you intend to accomplish.

For a moment, I ask you to sit down in a quiet place and close your eyes. Create in the silence of your mind a presence of what you intend to accomplish in your life. If it is an abundance of sales in your business, make this real for yourself. Make the abundance of sales real as if you can taste and experience the presence of it. Speculate how this abundance of sales might look in your life. Taste the full experience of it as if it is already happening. Speculate what you may think, feel, or say to yourself when you experience the presence of abundance of sales in your life. In the window of your imagination, you will find yourself in a place where you realize that you now are this presence.

You notice that the “I” that tends to interfere, sows doubt, and tells you that something is not possible, fades away in the background, and no longer is part of the world as you are. You have now shifted from being the “I” to being the presence of the fulfillment of your intentions. You have shifted from the world of “I” to the world of presence. “I” has turned into “being.” In the world of presence, there is no doubt and the “what ifs” have faded away. You are just the presence of something. You can now let go of your concerns whether it is going to work out and trust life to come into synchronicity with the presence that you created.

Presence is like an energy field of the possibility of what you intend to manifest. Presence brings into observation the possibility of what you intend to manifest. Presence is where the observer and the observed are one, and the act of observing brings into being latent possibilities. Now, life organizes itself in synchronicity with the presence that you made real for yourself.

Maybe the law of manifesting follows the nature of the sub-particle reality, where all things are one and the act of observing brings into being latent possibilities. In manifesting your intentions, granted by the gift of your imagination, you connect to the field of possibilities, and presence calls forth the manifestation of your intentions.
Already being the fulfillment of your intentions, there is no time, but the simultaneousness of all things. In the silence of the eternal now, where all things are one, and there is the possibility of it all, life now manifests as you are.

This does not mean that you now sit back, and let life happen to you. It means that you are now renewed in your focus, and you are energized by life and called to appropriate action as the presence that you are. You no longer are scrambling to make things happen, but are now in a peaceful place, where there is a knowing that life responds to you as you are. Life now organizes itself as the fulfillment of your intentions. In oneness, the path of manifesting comes into existence by your choosing to observe it.

In the eternal now, there are no results and there are no outcomes, since results and outcomes occur in a linear language for life, a language of striving and becoming. In the eternal now, there is just life manifesting itself; there is the presence of life. In the eternal now, you are not producing results, or creating outcomes. You are manifesting life!
Then, when your intentions manifest, you are not surprised. You don’t make it mean anything about yourself, or how you came to manifest. You don’t brag about it. You are not saying “I told you so,” or use it in any way to make a point.

Life manifesting itself just is, as if you are looking at the sky and you are experiencing how high it reaches. Now, you don’t have to look up at the score board all the time to see whether it is happening. In being profoundly grateful, you know that it is already happening.

Manifesting your intentions occurs in a language of being, where there is no “I” that is struggling, distracting you, or brings about doubt, but in already being the presence of what you intend to manifest, life now manifests as you are.
Manifesting life as you are, now opens up a way of living your life beyond hope. You now realize that the truth of life is as you are, and as you are, your life unfolds.

Living a state of oneness, life manifests as you are.

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