When something happens unexpectedly, when you are caught off guard, how are you going to respond?

Life is a journey of oneness, where you are ongoingly given the opportunity to choose. Life is a journey of integrity, where life invites you ongoingly to make a choice to come into a relationship of integrity with life and come into the oneness of life.

Sometimes you are tempted to undermine someone, or you are tempted to complain about something. Sometimes people unexpectedly engage you in a conversation, where there is something that they say that is an invitation, a trigger, or a prompt for you to undermine someone, or become self-righteous about something. Sometimes we are tempted to tell a person the “real story” of what has recently happened, or “inform” them with undermining talk about something that “they did not know yet.” Here is where life invites us to choose. For what purpose would you engage in such a talk? Is this to undermine and be self-righteous about someone or something? Can you see that doing so has no purpose or benefit other than undermining and being self-righteous? You may believe you are “getting away with” it by undermining someone or by complaining about something to make a point, and you may feel good about it when you do so.

But do you really get away with it?

Undermining someone or undermining what is, by gossiping about someone or complaining about something, is only going against yourself and compromises your relationship to oneness. This is where life gives you a choice. Do you choose for the default language for life, where the “I” lures you into its siren song and you allow yourself to be drawn in a space of separateness to life, or do you choose for a relationship of integrity with life, and you stay silent? This is where you either choose for a relationship to the universe, where you are one with life, or you choose for the language of “I,” which brings you in a space of separateness to life.

To be present to the journey of oneness, you have to know when you are not present to the journey. You have to make mistakes. Your journey in life is not about fixing your mistakes and deficiencies, or reaching a point in life, where you no longer are making mistakes or encounter events that interrupt your life. There is nothing to fix, or overcome in life.

Finding yourself in a space of separateness to life is part of your journey of oneness. This is the journey. This is it. The only moment you won’t encounter anything that challenges you in life, is when you are dead.

Can you live with that?

Now, you can celebrate the interruptions of life, embrace them, welcome them, and hold them in the highest regard, rather than demonizing them and saying that they shouldn’t be there, or say that they are in the way of you being a whole and complete person. Now, you embrace your humanity and come into the grace of life. Now, you recognize the interruptions of life as a way of life calling you to a new level of integrity, being one with life. Now, you recognize that there is no occurrence of life, where your capacity to oneness is lacking. Now, you hold the interruptions of life and your mistakes as part of the journey of oneness.

All is perfect.

Life is a journey of oneness, where you are given ongoingly the opportunity to choose. Life is a continuous path of renewing yourself in oneness and come into harmony with the one song of the universe.

The journey of oneness is now disclosed to you, where previously no language came to presence. What allows you to step beyond the horizon of “I,” and come into a relationship of integrity with life, is your trust in the oneness of life.

Life is a journey of oneness.

Hi, Louis here, author of the inspiring book “A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What!” Click here to get a free download of the book. Thanks for checking out my blog posts. If you really want to test your spiritual beliefs, try being a medical doctor in war zones. I’ve been involved as a spiritual teacher, medical doctor and coach in the self-help industry for over 25 years and have developed a number of skills in helping people to awaken to their true nature and live inspired lives. Here Is Who I Am & What I Believe.

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