As mentioned before, you sometimes find yourself unexpectedly in the “noise” of “I.” Something may have happened, and you are drawn into the noise of “I” that evaluates, creates self-doubt or self-invalidation, or leaves you with a sense of discomfort and a heaviness of being. Sometimes it may be just something little that bothers you, and you are unable to give it a perspective that sets you free to be.
When you find yourself stuck in the default language for life, the language of “I,” your natural response is to “try to work it out.”
Living a new language for life, you now realize that you don’t have to work it out. You can just allow yourself to be with it and allow it to be. You are not ignoring it, but you allow yourself to just be with it.
In trying to work it out, your attention is focused on the content of the space that you are in, which only strengthens the “I.” Interestingly enough, you notice that your efforts to try to solve your problems at times keep you more stuck in life and leave you in a state of ongoing unsettlement and disarray. Trying to work it out only takes you away from being centered in a new language for life.
You realize that whatever you focus on expands in your life, and you will get more of it. When you are focused on the content of your life, then this will expand. Some of us spent years “trying to work it out,” and wound up with a life that is on hold for many years and with a sense of being separate from life. We lose our capacity to be present to life, and we lose our sense of being in charge of our lives.
Living a new language for life, you now trust life, which gives you the courage to allow yourself to be with the issue and resist the temptation of the “I” to try to work it out. In allowing yourself to be with it fully, you notice, to your surprise, a shift in who you are in relationship to the issue and how you are experiencing the issue. You are starting to experience more freedom to be in relationship to the issue. You are restoring yourself to the wholeness of being, being with the issue.
You now notice that not trying to work it out and letting it be and allowing yourself to be with it fully, you become present to all aspects of the issue at hand. Then, again to your surprise, when you are about to become desperate or don’t know what to do with it or how to proceed, suddenly it turns around and gives you a new perspective. You then become present to aspects of the issue that you have not considered before!
Not trying to work it out allows you to become present to something that is completely new, like a new unfolding, a whole new perspective. You have restored yourself to the space of being in relationship to the issue, which is where you are free to be, you are present to peace and to a new perspective in relationship to the issue that you were considering.
You have expanded your capacity to be with what is uncomfortable and unfamiliar in your life. You have restored yourself to being the space of the content of your life. You are free to be, and a new perspective has come to you.
In a new language for life, you don’t have to work it out!
Hi, Louis here, author of the inspiring book “A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What!” Click here to get a free download of the book. Thanks for checking out my blog posts. If you really want to test your spiritual beliefs, try being a medical doctor in war zones. I’ve been involved as a spiritual teacher, medical doctor and coach in the self-help industry for over 25 years and have developed a number of skills in helping people to awaken to their true nature and live inspired lives. Here Is Who I Am & What I Believe.
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I can’t thank you again and again for the wonderful work and the effort you have put. And I am really indebted to you.
Thank you for being so kind and love.thank you for your great wisdom that helps me in my walk. God bless you.Sentikumla
Thank you, Sentikumla! With love, Louis
Thank you, Firoz!! With love, Louis