When you let the noise of “I” be, and you stop identifying yourself as the “I” what arises in the background is a presence that you recognize as who you really are. A presence comes into being as your fundamental connectedness to life; a presence that unveils to you the oneness of life. You are brought in touch with something you had forgotten for a long time and is now unconcealed to you.
Truth has come into being. Order has come to you, naturally

When you let the noise of “I” be, and you stop identifying yourself as the “I” what arises in the background is a presence that you recognize as who you really are. A presence comes into being as your fundamental connectedness to life; a presence that unveils to you the oneness of life. You are brought in touch with something you had forgotten for a long time and is now unconcealed to you. Truth has come into being. Order has come to you, naturally.
You can now step out of your stuff and be appropriate. You now recognize appropriate action as action that contributes to the wholeness of life; action which carries integrity and allows you to be in harmony with life. www.louiskoster.com/ebook
Now you no longer give in to the noise of “I” that is stingy, positional, judgmental, spiteful, or withholding, and you are now being generous. You can now be generous with people from whom you have been withholding your well-being from; your connectedness; your ecstasy for life.
You can now step out of your stuff and be appropriate. You now recognize appropriate action as action that contributes to the wholeness of life; action which carries integrity and allows you to be in harmony with life.
You are becoming a person of practical wisdom.
You are now in a place of readiness to act, where appropriate action comes naturally to you. It now comes naturally to you to respond with generosity to people in your life, in particular those people who you perceive as having wronged you in the past. You now can let go of your resentment.
Appropriate action may mean restoring yourself to full participation in something that you have been neglecting and balance is restored.
Appropriate action expresses your relationship to the universe and that is the only thing that matters. Appropriate action is what contributes to the wholeness of life. Appropriate action is in alignment with the integrity of life. It is action that heals “being.”
Only you know what is appropriate action in a particular situation. What is appropriate is free from the shoulds, the musts; free from opinions of others, or what other people tell you what is appropriate. Life informs you what is appropriate. Only you know.
Appropriate action may not always be what you want, but fulfils on what wants to happen inside of your connectedness to life.
When you initiate appropriate action, you create an opening for others to come forth inside of their own greatness. By initiating appropriate action, you create a space for others to come forward as their essence. You create the space for others to bring out the best. You are an opening for greatness. This is where true leadership arises.
Appropriate action is what brings you in alignment with the universe. It expresses the wholeness of life. It comes from oneness and expresses oneness. Appropriate action honors the dignity of the human spirit. Appropriate action honors the sacred presence of life.
Living the possibility of a new language for life allows for a presence inside of your connectedness to life that leads to appropriate action.
Hi, Louis here, author of the inspiring book “A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What!” Click here to get a free download of the book. Thanks for checking out my blog posts. If you really want to test your spiritual beliefs, try being a medical doctor in war zones. I’ve been involved as a spiritual teacher, medical doctor and coach in the self-help industry for over 25 years and have developed a number of skills in helping people to awaken to their true nature and live inspired lives. Here Is Who I am & What I Believe.
Please feel to free to leave a comment below.
Bravo. I just went for someone’s bday and my plan was to only spend $50 for a gift but for some reason when I got into the store I ended up spending twice that just because I wanted the person to get a gift that I would’ve loved to get even though I know the person may not do the same for me
Thanks a lot for your effort. I have read the book and worth full. Even though I remember very little but I have retained the wisdom in it. And your email lesson are amazing and it reminds at the right time . It really helps in understanding our requirement and to move forward
Dear Firoz! Fantastic to hear from you! Thank you for letting me know that you have retained the wisdom of the book! I am thrilled to hear that my email lesson reminds you at the right time. Thank you for sharing yourself! With love, Louis.
Appropriate action – beautiful lesson ! Felt like it was talking to me, I agree … thank you so much for spreading wisdom n beauty …
Thank you, Madhavi!!! With love, Louis