Oneness Is the Temple of Being

Life is about coming into oneness with the universe. Life is about coming into a relationship with the universe, where you are one with life and you don’t mind what happens. Now, you are mindful how you place your shoes at the temple door before you start your day....

The Presence of Oneness Displaces the Way It is

In a new language for life, the presence of oneness displaces the way it is. The presence of oneness displaces the world of “I” that defines who you are, inside your experience of life. In the presence of oneness you no longer have to “deal” with the way it is and ask...

The Secret to Happiness Is Found in an Awakening to Your True Nature

Living a new language for life, you now realize that happiness is not something that you seek or strive for. You realize that happiness is neither found “outside” yourself, nor “inside” yourself, but arises inside a space of being that opens up naturally once you have...

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