Awakening: Talking Diaries

Dear Reader, I want to share with you my thought processes. You may find my thought processes more interesting the way it comes out of me, rather than if I were to pound it into a book. I am putting my diary out raw as it is, because it is very profound as it is. In...

Becoming a Person of Practical Wisdom

Sometimes when you find ourselves in a state of noise, it is helpful to remind yourself of the insight that nothing has the inherent capacity to make you happy or unhappy and you realize that people or things don’t “cause” you to be upset. You realize that there is...

By Staying Still Inside of the Noise, It Loses Its Hold on You

Sometimes we wake up in the morning and we can’t go back to sleep. Our thoughts do not let go of us, and we seem to be consumed by something. Something may have happened recently, and you can’t shake it off. You are now wondering how you are going to get back to...

A Shift Into a Higher Awareness – Part Four

In the linear reality of the default language for life, the reality of cause and effect, you would be prone to say, “Look what this person or that situation has caused in my life!” You want other people to believe that how you feel is personal to them. But is...

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