Dear Reader,
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits. Today, I want to share some profound insights that emerged from a recent podcast interview I had with John Kremer. We delved deep into the dynamic of the mind and explored the entrapments it creates, which prevent us from fully experiencing our true selves.
One of the key insights that surfaced during our conversation is the role of language in shaping our sense of self. Language, with its inherent duality, gives rise to a sense of self that is not our true self. We tend to identify with this sense of self, losing sight of our true essence that transcends language and consciousness. It’s a perfect trap, and the first step towards liberation is recognizing this illusion.
Another significant revelation that emerged from our discussion is the nature of thoughts. Thoughts arise in our consciousness spontaneously, beyond our control, and are not of our own making. They come and go, often saying things about ourselves that are diminishing or off the mark. But here’s the key: we don’t have to take them seriously. We don’t have to engage with them as if they were problems to be solved. In fact, any attempt to handle or understand these thoughts only entangles us further in the mind’s trap.
Instead, we can choose to see the inauthenticity of our thoughts, recognizing them as a dynamic arising within our consciousness. We can simply shrug our shoulders and say, “Okay, well, that was interesting!” By understanding that these thoughts do not define us, we free ourselves from the burden of judgment and worry. It is not “you” having these considerations; it is the mind’s design attempting to capture you in a false sense of self.
The mind, like a relentless machine, operates ceaselessly, even when we are not conscious of it. Its purpose is to make us perceivable and trap us in a description that is not our true essence. The more we engage with the mind’s narrative, the further we drift from our authentic selves. It is crucial to see through the mind’s tactics, recognizing its profound inauthenticity, and allowing it to be without trying to solve or understand it.
Escaping the mind’s trap is not about trying to get out of it; it is about seeing it for what it truly is. By experiencing whatever arises within our consciousness exacly as it is, the illusion of the thinking dissolves and we rediscover the peace of just being ourselves. We have nothing to hide from, we don’t have to fix anything, nothing to improve, and nothing to fear. We can finally experience the profound sense of peace that we may have forgotten.
In conclusion, dear readers, I urge you to pay attention to the illusions created by language and the mind. Practice witnessing your thoughts with detachment, recognizing their inauthenticity, and letting them pass without judgment or engagement. Embrace the truth of your being beyond language and experience the freedom that comes with it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my email blog. I hope these insights resonate with you and offer a fresh perspective on the nature of our minds and ourselves. Remember, the path to liberation begins with allowing for whatever arises in your consciousness, let it be and identify what you are not.
I’m excited to hear your thoughts on this discussion, so feel free to leave me a comment below.
To your incredible self,
Dr. Louis Koster
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